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Solar Microgrids Australia

Solar | Battery | Off-grid
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Energy Assurance

“Long-term reliability and satisfaction”

Solar Microgrids Australia is an electrical contractor comprised of a multidisciplinary team of electricians, electrical engineers and project managers, with a combined focus on the safe and successful delivery of microgrids across Australia.

Our commitment to sustainability extends to the heart of our operations. By strategically implementing microgrids, we ensure that energy is not just generated but consumed locally. Microgrids empower communities, businesses, and homes to become self-sufficient energy hubs, reducing dependence on centralised grids and minimising transmission losses.

Together, through the widespread adoption of microgrids, we are lighting the path toward a more sustainable, resilient, and interconnected future for all Australians.

Core values

Client satisfaction is our highest priority and we strive to exceed expectations by delivering exceptional service, tailored solutions, and an unwavering commitment to meet our clients' needs.

We conduct ourselves with integrity and adhere to the highest ethical standards, fostering trust and accountability in all our interactions and endeavours.

Sustainable living is attainable and essential for the well-being of both present and future generations.

Licensed electricians

Across 4 states of Australia

Servicing Billinudgel to Broome

PO Box 402, Billinudgel NSW 2483
PO Box 1360, Broome WA 6725

About Solar Microgrids Australia

Solar Microgrids Australia is comprised of a multidisciplinary team of electricians, electrical engineers and project managers, with a combined focus on the safe
and successful delivery of microgrids across Australia.
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Renewable Energy Solutions

Renewable Energy Solutions

Committed to fostering the sustainable energy movement within Australia, we prioritise the implementation of Australian made renewable energy products and services.

Our Comprehensive Package

Solar Power

Solar Power

Clean & Sustainable
Reduces Operational Costs
Positions as Eco-Friendly Assets

Solar Power

Advanced Battery Storage

Minimise Grid Dependence
Ensure Consistent, Reliable Power Supply
“Energy Assurance”

Solar Power

Electric Vehicle Charging

Future-Ready Infrastructure
Attracts Environmentally Conscience Tenants

Solar Power

VPP Integration

(Virtual Power Plant)
Creates Collaborative Network
Optimises Energy Usage
Reduces Carbon-Footprint

Energy Assurance for Maximum Returns

Reliable Cost-Effective Sustainable Power

Sustainable Power

Uninterrupted Operation

Predictable Costs

Shielding your properties from the volatility of the traditional energy market

Boosts Market
Value of Assets

Competitive Advantage
Attractive to businesses seeking modern, forward-thinking spaces

Increased Property Valuation
Advanced technologies can positively impact the overall valuation of your properties

Boosts Market Value of Assets
Enhances Tenant Satisfaction

Resilient Infrastructure

Green Credential
Embrace a sustainable future

Peace of Mind
Providing peace of mind that comes with an energy system designed for resilience, ensuring home and business operations run smoothly even during grid outages

Excellent Return on Investment

Cost Savings
Lower energy costs

Long-Term Value
The all-time low prices for batteries enhance the cost-effectiveness of the solution

Excellent Return on Investment

Expertise In Solar Microgrids

Engineered System Design

Each Microgrid is Meticulously Designed based on a Comprehensive Understanding of the Unique Energy Requirements of Each Individual Site

Tailored Solutions

Bespoke Solutions that Consider Factors such as Energy Demand, Property Layout and Environmental Conditions

Optimized Performance

Our Engineered Designs Ensure Optimal Performance, Maximizing Energy Production and Minimizing Waste.

Positive outcomes for a sustainable future

Quality Australian-made products

Commitment to Local Economy

Local Job Creation

Collaboration with Australian Service Providers

Strategic Advantage in Market Positioning

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Community Engagement

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